Elton John - Nikita

Elton John – Nikita

“Nikita” is a song by the British singer-songwriter Elton John. It was released in October 1985 with “The Man Who Never Died” on the B-side as a single from his nineteenth studio album “Ice on Fire.” The song is known for its catchy melody and its distinctive theme of unrequited love during the Cold War era.


Elton John - Nikita - single cover

In the United States, “Nikita” reached the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. It also achieved chart success in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. The song’s melody and the curiosity generated by its unique theme contributed to its commercial appeal.


The lyrics of “Nikita” tell a story of unrequited love during the Cold War era. The narrator, a Western man, is in love with a female border guard named Nikita from the other side of the Berlin Wall. Despite the political and geographical boundaries that separate them, he expresses his deep feelings for her.

While “Nikita” may not be one of Elton John’s most iconic hits, it was well-received by fans and radio audiences at the time of its release. It remains a recognizable and enduring track in Elton John’s extensive discography.

Elton John – Nikita – Lyrics